• Paint Pots

Toddler Art & Music for 18m-2yrs6m (Accompanied)


  • Age group: 18 months – 2 ½ years
  • Days: Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays
  • Time: 9.30-10.30am
  • Venue: St Mary The Boltons Church Hall
  • Cost: £275 per term
  • Term Dates: 18th April - 8th July
  • Half Term: 30th May - 3rd June
  • Bank Holiday: Please note that classes will not be running on Monday 2nd May

Child's details

Please enter as dd/mm/yyyy

Parent's details

Additional information

* required to make booking


Children are encouraged to develop their own creativity through exploring colour, shape and texture. At this age the art of learning is in the doing and not in the end result. Children are encouraged to explore simple art materials, such as pens, pencil, paint, glue and playdough, to develop their creativity and independent expression of self. The class also develops key practical skills for future learning as our teachers gently guide children to grip their pencil in a way which supports later writing skills or to paint at the easel to refine gross motor movement and core strength. We start off the term working on a flat paper surface and as the term progresses we work towards introducing some 3D activities. The class finishes with an interactive music session with plenty of actions and props.

Classroom Setup: Our classroom is arranged to allow the children free exploration of the environment while always having that reassuring line of sight with their parent/carer. We have a number of stations setup around the room for playdough, collage, the easel for painting, a sensorial tray (lentils, sand etc), the main art table, as well as mini music and book corners. The free flow classroom enables your child to practice their independence, social skills and further develop their skills through which ever schema is currently captivating their attention.

What is a schema?