• Paint Pots

STEM for 2-3 years (Accompanied)


  • Age group: 2-3 years
  • Days: Tuesdays
  • Time: Mondays 3-4pm 
  • Venue: St Mary The Boltons Church Hall
  • Cost: £275
  • Spring Term Dates: 6th January - 28th March
  • Half Term Holiday: 17th - 21st February

Child's details

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Parent's details

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* required to make booking


Discover early Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through a mixture of explorations, experiments and activities. Whether exploring light and shadows with puppets, mirrors and torches, or exploring material properties through magnets, balancing scales and a sinking & floating tray all the activities are a fun introduction to these areas of learning. STEM projects for toddlers help children explore a variety of thinking skills that boost both their creativity, logic, spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. This class ends with time for everyone to join in with an interactive music and movement session including plenty of actions, props and instruments.

Classroom Setup: Our classroom is arranged to allow the children free exploration of the environment while always having that reassuring line of sight with their parent/carer. We have a number of stations setup around the room and each child has the freedom to choose from the carefully planned activities, occasionally coming together for a bigger experiment. The free flow classroom enables your child to practice their independence and social skills while having fun and learning along the way.